Sunday, August 3, 2008

Income tax woes....

Well, to be very honest, I never had to worry about paying taxes till last year coz I never earned enough to qualify for taxes. things have changed and as i move up the ladder of professional world, I am beginning to understand how important money is. What intrigues me is the attitude of the financial systems of our country. It seems that making good money is a crime in India and taxes are how we pay for them.

I know taxes are important for the development of our country and all the work taken up in the interest of general public needs funding, which comes from the taxes. but, still what is apalling is the amount of money one ends up paying as taxes. I feel that the taxes could surely be reduced without comprising on the well-being of our country. Also, I find that taking care of taxes, returns, and so on are big time stress enhancer - wouldn't it be really great if paying taxes could be made easier?

All the government organizations make use of funds and must be having a balance-sheet for every finnacial year - I wonder, do they pay taxes if they end up in profits (sometimes major section of funds are left unused and slowly forgotten - read misused).......

Do check out:
pretty helpful site!

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