Monday, April 25, 2011

Restless Mind, Sleepless Nights...

Something that I penned down eons ago…

It’s been some time
That I slept well for a while
Restless mind, sleepless nights
Among friends, I am all alone
I wonder why, why do I not own
The ease with which people smile
All around, I envy care
And love, part of everyone’s life
Albeit, I have got none
Sufferings, indifference
Or is it me running away

Travelling.......a journey to seat!!!!

Very seldom.....rare....unintentional, but something that has happened....I am actually sitting in a Virar local...and that too at peak rush time!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Morning Sojourn

Am Tryin' To Do A Lot Of Stuff...N All At The Same Time......Guess, Its Test For The Best :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

It's Not Over...Yet

The exasperation, the angst has ceased…..only to be replaced by despair…..surrendered spirit, defeated soul…..with no desire to be freed…..time is heavy…..burdened by failure…..yet battle's not over… is still to be lived

Monday, April 11, 2011

Fighting...for how long...

Expendable……I am at war…..within… enemy by my side……and even outside…….a quagmire….weapons…..I have got none……it is only my will…...................... surviving…..fighting…..not giving up…….. it is very lonely up ahead……..for how long……for how long is the question……

Thursday, April 7, 2011

An interruption that was...

It wasn’t my intent to not to pen down my thoughts ……rather thoughts were many and myriad….only time refused to play along ….
Things have changed…..and changed for the better…..I am alive again……in all essence
I am with you now.