Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I stand, at a cross-road, again

I stand, at a cross-road, again. 

One way is of visible satisfaction to all and happiness as well. The other is of desire - burning, agitated, hurt and potentially dangerous to my very countenance, if left unfulfilled. 

In all this, I realize, the path that I choose today, will have to merge with the I move ahead, But time, I must bide...for it is not my time today. 

Simply put,what I aim to share with you is this - 

Tomorrow, is but an illusion. All we have is Today. And Today ends in another Today, not Tomorrow. 

So, Today is when we do, what we want to do. 

But, I guess, you already knew this.

p.s. do not fret over my babbling....and worry of my is in the right state; just trying to unwind. :)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Green way of life: your role and the impact you can have on the environment

Adopting a lifestyle that is not only healthy but is also more Eco-friendly with as little impact on our environment as possible is never easy. Thankfully, with more and more people, governments, and subsequently, nations becoming aware of the huge impact that global warming can have on our planet if not controlled, various newer methods in whatever we do are being tried so as to find better ways that are environment-friendly and sustainable. The thing with this new endeavor across the globe (almost like a mass revolution) for devising greener methods, natural methods that will alleviate the effects of global warming along with saving our planet’s resources as well is that we all have a role a play. In fact, all of us need to do our bit if we want our home, our planet to survive and trust me when I say that it doesn't need much to do so.

Below mentioned are some of the things that will help you move towards a better, greener way of life, which is also healthier, more fulfilling and happier:

Green Ways for Home

  • Switch off appliances that work on electricity whenever not in use – this will save you lot of energy and money as well. Make this a rule with for managing your electric gadgets, electric appliances, personal gadgets, lights, fans, ACs, heaters, and even computers.
  • Reduce the use of appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines, run these only when needed – this should save you plenty of water.
  • Employ energy-efficient (rated) bulbs, tubes, fans, and other electric appliances in your home.
  • Try and avoid unnecessary water wastage - make sure that you immediately close water taps after use.
  • Buy organic, natural food items if possible, these are not only eco-friendly but are also healthier.
  • Avoid buying any item that is made from harmful chemicals.
  • Use reusable bags such as cloth bags and so on when shopping. This also goes for water bottles, juice bottles, mugs, food packs, and storage boxes, and so on.
  • Most things such as plastic, paper, aluminum, and glass can be recycled. You may set up a nice recycling system in your house; however, you will need to check the local recycling rules beforehand.
  • Drop your old PC, monitor, cell phone, and other old electronics at designated recycling centers.

Green ways for the Outside (garden, lawn)

  • Make use of soaker hoses or drip irrigation systems watering trees, shrubs in your garden. Also, you may install faucet aerators and high-efficiency shower heads, which will save huge amount of water annually.
  • To clean your garden, lawn, or corridor, do not use water, instead, sweep the area for cleaning.
  • Try and compost your kitchen waste, garden waste, dead plants, and so on by investing in a good composter, this will provide you with nutrient-rich, natural fertilizers for future use in your garden.

Green Ways for Office

  • Print less paper (only when needed) and when printing, print on both sides. It will help if you keep the ink resolution low.
  • Switch off your monitor (if you are using a desktop PC) when you move away from your desk and completely shut down the system while leaving from work. This will save huge amount of electricity!
  • Use energy-efficient laptops, tablets instead of desktop PCs (wherever possible). Also, reduce number of cables by making use of good WiFi setup at work place.
  • While packing lunch, meals, make use of reusable containers and bags.
  • Use public transport if possible. You may also use the carpool method where you can share vehicles with someone while travelling. This will not only reduce gas usage but also save you money.
  • Encourage your office to invest in a good recycling program and help in implementing it (of course only if it goes through!).

Well, these are some of things we all can do and without much effort. And I guess, the payback is huge; what we get is a healthier, better life style that also impacts our environment in a positive way.
Share your views and opinions…let me and the readers of this blog know what you think. Thanks.

Friday, April 12, 2013

A Strife of Mind and the Heart...

Wisdom makes life tolerable
But then a life
That is no more than endurable
Is merely a strife
Of mind and the heart
Is simply a survival
Albeit with the pain
Which lingers and goes nowhere

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My thoughts...My Quotes...My Beliefs

Complications in life are nothing but conflicts between the mind and the heart.

Don't do Nothing, Do Something.

Honesty is weak and feeble, probably the reason why it is always pushed around and seldom respected. 

                             - by Vikas Sharan

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Story...

Chapter 1

He followed the lady as she left the bar….out on the streets, in the dark, deep in alleys further darkened by the greed of mankind and the urge to be animal. The alleys were the ones which were strictly forbidden when he was a kid….these were the alleys of shame. As he grew, he wasn't sure, losing the conviction over the knowledge which had been passed onto him from his parents. What replaced it were the stories he had heard from friends who swore it to be no less than paradise, if there ever was any.

Today seemed like his chance. He was good with talking, having inherited it from his father who was a salesman, and a very good one it seems coz all the ladies in the area where he lived, smiled differently at him. However, his foray into the learnings of life was pretty limited, till then.

to be continued...

Friday, October 12, 2012


Desires & Freedom
Is nothing but illusion
For every choice that we make
There is a price to be paid
Compulsions, considerations
Of feelings, of hunger, of passion
A slave....freedom is
But then, what matters is
What we seek

Monday, March 5, 2012

To Break Free...

There is no form……no confinement……only chaos……you mould…….you lend….you conform……yet in essence…..nature…and everything else is free of any mould….of any shape that can be a limitation……..everything has to let go…….there is always an opening…..always….and freedom to mould….to break free… re-conform…….

Monday, April 25, 2011

Restless Mind, Sleepless Nights...

Something that I penned down eons ago…

It’s been some time
That I slept well for a while
Restless mind, sleepless nights
Among friends, I am all alone
I wonder why, why do I not own
The ease with which people smile
All around, I envy care
And love, part of everyone’s life
Albeit, I have got none
Sufferings, indifference
Or is it me running away