Thursday, June 2, 2011


I simply love the monsoon; rain splashing all over; the ground, against the high rises, the smaller houses, the even smaller shacks, the sea, and the beaches, makes music. For me, rain has always proved to be a life – saver, bringing in hope that tomorrow will turn into a better today, a renewed energy, a belief that I am superior and there is no impossible.


Vivek said...

Nice one!!! Yes, rain is something to look forward to...but not the kind of rain we got in July 2005.

Vikas Sharan said...

Well, the kind of rain we got in July 2005 - it was nature's way of letting us know that we are screwing up all the beautiful things that we have - nature. It was a reminder to all of us that we need to get our act straight and stop killing the nature coz it is not going to go down without a fight

Serendipitous Pathfinder said...

Pouring it out, naturally.