Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Words; an ensemble of differently arranged alphabets……come together to mean what you want to say…..and even that you don’t want to say…….thoughts, desire, demands, requests, pleas, orders and feelings; words say all……words……my best friend……my worst enemy….have won me admirers aplenty….and I have hurt friends as well……words…………..well, if only I could be more careful with you……………

Monday, March 19, 2012

I don't even try...

Everywhere – around, behind, at the front, and by the sides, the ugly and cruel face of poverty stares at me, mocks me. And, I see the mockery of life, brashly laughing at me, on me. Innocent faces wearing the mask of adulthood; soul – deprived of love, of care and yet getting on with life in the manner they have learned – begging, cheating, enticing the flesh hunters and getting poisoned, intoxicated to forget the worries; the realities for a few moments. These few moments are their bliss and they live in these few make-believe dream moments – only to get back to the world they know. I wish I could change their world, make it better in some way. Their world pains me, keeps me awake, and makes me cry. I feel ashamed over my helplessness and for the fact – I don’t even try…

Monday, March 5, 2012

To Break Free...

There is no form……no confinement……only chaos……you mould…….you lend….you conform……yet in essence…..nature…and everything else is free of any mould….of any shape that can be a limitation……..everything has to let go…….there is always an opening…..always….and freedom to mould….to break free…..to re-conform…….